Aug 312014

This blog post is first of all a reminder for myself as I often have to rerun the preview generation within Archiware P5 to test my custom preview generator PresSTORE Media Converter 3. The procedure it also described in this knowledgebase entry and the official CLI documentation. The command returns the ID of the verify job.

/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c "ArchivePlan <ArchivePlan Name> verify <Client> <Job ID>"

All the needed information can be found in the extended log of the original archive job. The naming of the ArchivePlan Name placeholder is a bit ought as you have to provide the ArchivePlan ID instead.

Extended Archive Log

For this example the following command is the correct one:

/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c "ArchivePlan 10002 verify localhost 10738"

Be aware that all the original files still have to be located at the original archive path. If they were already deleted you have to restore them first.

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