May 072012

Today I had a few hours spare time, so I took a look at SIMBL.

SIMBL is a small framework to inject your own code into Cocoa applications. A similar system is used by the super awesome TotalFinder and TotalTerminal.

The Google Code project page includes a very short tutorial on how to create such a SIMBL bundle. First I thought it can’t be that easy – but it definitely is!

Just create a new Xcode bundle project and update the Info.plist file according the given specification:


After that add the following “callback” methode to your projekt:

+ (void) load {
        // your code

That’s it! Now do whatever you want to do 😉
To test your bundle just copy it to one of the following folders …

/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins
/Users/Username/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins

… and start the application. SIMBL will take care of loading the correct plugin (by checking the bundle identifier) and calls your load method.

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